By: Ben Stowe, CTS
The current global COVID-19 (SARS-2-CoV) situation will undoubtedly reshape our world. As has happened at every reshaping point in history, there will be winners and there will be losers. Some of the most powerful companies of our time were either formed during these moments, or they survived them. Whether you will be a winner or a loser will largely depend on your actions.
There are several ways you can lose in a situation like this. Obviously one way is to spend foolishly, but that’s not to say that you shouldn’t spend at all. One of the other ways you can lose is to spend too little. Companies that “hunker down” can disappear from their marketplace and have a hard time recovering when business returns to normal levels. They can also put off necessary upgrades and maintenance and find themselves woefully prepared for the future.
This brings us to the winners. The winners will have a strategic plan and will proceed with it. Warren Buffet said, “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”. What you do with your entertainment business is no different.
If you are patient and are prepared for prosperity, you will be a winner. Improve your marketing. Update and upgrade your equipment. Perform maintenance. Improve your knowledge. It’s been said that you should dress for the job you want, and this isn’t much different. Dress your business for success.
Because we know cash flow is a challenge for many of our customers right now, we’re doing what we can to help. We’re offering 24 months 0% interest financing AND some special pricing. Part of our strategy is to help you win. The result of that is that our customers are the winners.
We’re in this together.
About Ben Stowe: