DJs and Streaming

By Tony Fernandez:

Alright kids, it seems to me that it’s been a little while since I’ve been on my soap box or have had a rant, so strap in, we’re all due. Let me begin with a small disclaimer… I’m not looking to kick a hornet’s nest or start a moral, much less a legal tirade. I’m coming from an angle of trying to understand the rational of streaming… and hopefully illicit some chuckles in the process.

Let’s begin….

The Internet is a splendid thing. There is no doubt about that. Wi-Fi and being untethered has opened up countless possibilities and opportunities. Advancements are made monthly at such a pace that what was just simply amazing last month, heck, last week is commonplace today.
Maybe I am a bit too old school. I came from a place where DJs actually have their music. I mean that quite literally. You physically have the music you’re going to play. In the current state we are in, I do understand “having” music means that you have music on a hard drive. But the point still remains: you have access to that file on demand. Because it lives on your hard drive.

So why is streaming a “thing”? I don’t get it. Like most people on the planet, a good chunk of my life is wrapped up in my cell phone. Having said that, I find myself not having the best signal everywhere I go. And I still experience the randomness of dropped calls. I get that cell phones signals are different than Wi-Fi signals, but I still surmise that if I can’t get a SOLID cell phone connection, why should I assume that my Wi-Fi signal is stable? And don’t tell me about hot spots. Again, no cell signal and your hot spot is a paperweight.

I also get that a good number of venues do offer Wi-Fi connection to vendors. Are you really ready to rely on a network that you’re not 100% certain is robust enough to handle the load? Is the network also open to the public? If that is the case, how does it work when you have 15, 25, 45 people on public Wi-Fi and you’re trying to download, much less, stream content and use said content in real time? I would assume not too well.

And this is where I begin to scratch my head….

With as much technology, CPU processor horsepower, RAM, etc., that hardware can harness, you’re placing your success on an unknown variable that offers you ZERO control. Think about it: You are trying to download, stream and play a decent size music file in REAL TIME.

We ask a lot of our computers and software. Granted, they are marketed as being able to handle pretty much anything thrown at it. But we know that’s just not true. When you turn on your computer and it’s just sitting there, it’s really running 20, 30, maybe even 40 other programs in the background. Some you can’t turn off. Then you launch your DJ software. So now you want the computer to run the OS and the DJ software, plus you want the system to manipulate chunks of data and convert those chunks of data from 1’s & 0’s to analog audio. All the while providing you a GUI and audio feed to monitor all of the manipulation in REAL TIME.

Now you want to open up a network connection, get on the internet, log into a service, search a data base, download/stream the content you found and integrate that content seamlessly in real time to the gig you’re DJaying.


I know I’m not going to stop progress and I’m not trying to. Nor am I trying to be a harbinger of technology potentially gone awry. Each DJ will find their own level of technological prowess and embrace it. Speaking for myself, I know I’m NOT going to tax my computer any more than I have to. Nor am I going to set myself up for relying on a cell/ Wi-Fi signal that may not be there when I REALLY need it.

Till next time DJs. I’m still waiting for the Wi-Fi here to come back on line so I can pay for my pizza and go home. Gotta love technology.

Based out of Richmond, VA, DJ Tony Fernandez has been a DJ, Remixer, Producer, Musical Soothsayer and Audio Gear Oracle since 1980. Find him on facebook. Email